Another Stroke and Turn Clinic For Those Who Are Interested
Benicia Stingrays
Hi Team,
There is another Stroke and Turn Clinic for anyone interested in becoming Stroke and Turn Certified (we can always use more Stroke and Turn Judges!!!)
Who: Any adult associated with a Summer Recreational Swim Team may attend
What: Learn the official rules of all of the strokes so that you can serve as a stroke and turn judge at meets....this is a huge help to the team and jjudging at meets fulfills your volunteer requirement for the year
Where: The Greenery Restaurant Meeting Room, 1551 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek (across from Heather Farm's Pool)
When: Wednessday, May 17th from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
Why: Because don't you always wonder why your kid got disqualified from their events? Now you can learn why!!!
Here is a packet of info you should print out, review, and bring with you if you plan to attend.