Time Trials Meet Sheet!!!!!

Benicia Stingrays

Location:  James Lemos Pool



  • Gates Open at 7:30 AM.  Please make sure to line up at the main entrance to the pool.  Do NOT enter through the side gates unless you are part of the set-up and take-down crew.  
  • Meet will end at approximately 12:30 pm.
  • If you are part of set-up/takedown crew, show up at 6:30AM and enter through the side gate (in the parking lot).  Check in with Leslie Clements, Meet Director, who will be assisted by Kelliann Cadigam, Head of Set Up and Take Down Crew.  


Team Camp

  • Set up on either leg of the grass "L".  For future meets, Stingrays only set up on the north end of the grass (long leg of the "L") and the visiting team gets the short leg of the "L".



  • Check in with Bekki Callaway/Wendy Buresh at the volunteer check-in table (where the two legs of the grass "L" intersect) to get credit for your shift and for job direction.  


  • Team Shirts:  Pick up your swimmer's team t-shirt at the table under the scoreboard immediately 
  • Group photo:  Help line your swimmer(s) up on the cement from shortest to tallest, in their team shirt over their suit (no long pants)
  • Individual Photos:  To be taken immediately after the group photo.  Line up on the cement between the diving pool and the picnic tables.  Have your picture order forms already filled out.  You must bring an order form even if you prepaid--it is how the photographer keeps track of who is who.  We need things to go quickly so we can start the meet ASAP. 
  • Warmups:  Start immediately following pictures.  Timers and recorders, start heading to your assigned lanes towards the end of warmups.
  • Meet starts immediately after warmups.  


Food: We will have a food truck and are working to have a snack bar.


Meet Sheet

  • Click the link for how to read the meet sheet
  • Here is the meet sheet!  Here is the Athlete Entry List for quick reference to your swimmer's events.  It is helpful to print it out at home so you can highlight your swimmer's events, take notes, etc.  
  • Don't forget a sharpie marker so you can mark your swimmer's arm with their event/heat/lane assignments.


If you have questions, look for board members, in our blue Board Member shirts.  We want to help you!