NewsSplash 2/21/2023: One more week for registration, Open board position, Team suit update

Benicia Stingrays

Hello Stingrays,

Here are your updates for the week!  


Early Bird Registration

  • You have one more week to register your swimmers at the Early Bird price!!!  Don't delay--Prices go up March 1st!


Junior Coach Application Deadline

  • Make sure your 13/up swimmer submits their application for junior coaching this week.  The deadline is Friday, February 24th.  
  • ALL swimmers who would like to coach MUST submit their application now (even if they can't coach during Spring practice and only plan to coach during Summer).  
  • Interviews will be scheduled in early March for the junior coaching positions. 
  • ALL junior coaches must also be registered Stingray swimmers. 
  • Please have your swimmer fill out this Junior Coach Application online. 


Team Suit Update

  • Team suit fittings will take place during Spring Clinics, on Wednesday, March 29th from 4:30-6:00. 
  • We will have two styles of suits to help fit your budget and desires (a more durable/more expensive suit and a more traditional/slightly less expensive suit).
  • If your swimmer is unable to make it to the fitting, they may go in person to Elsmore Swim Shop in Walnut Creek (at the end of March) to get fitted.  
  • All suits will be ordered online by you.  


Open Board Position

  • We are looking for a new board member to shadow the League Representative position this season.  Our current League Rep is Geoff Cagnon.  He is the smooth voice behind the microphone at all of our home meets.  Geoff would like to train a current parent this year to take over his position for next year.  
  • As League Rep, you represent the Stingray team at the monthly Twin County Swim League meetings.  You also attend the Stingray monthly board meetings to inform the board of any League changes/updates.  At the end of the season, you, and the other teams' League Reps, help organize the League Championship Meet.  
  • Taking on this role would fulfill your entire volunteer requirement for this year and the future years that you stay on in this role.  
  • Thank you to Geoff for his dedication to the team--he does not have a swimmer on the team any longer and he is still so generously helping us out!  


Please let us know if you have any questions!