Battle of the Ages Meet Info and Registration

Benicia Stingrays

All right team, it is time to register for one of our biggest meets of the year!  This is a 2 day all weekend event.  The meet runs from about 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM each day.  This is a FAST pool and many swimmers drop a ton of time at this meet.  This is the pool of PR's and County Qualifying Gold Times!  The days at Battle are typically long and hot AND nothing bonds teammates like sharing food, sweat, and PR's all weekend!  This is the meet where lifelong friendships are forged and memories are made!!!  


What is Battle of the Ages?  

  • 2 day Saturday-Sunday Invitational Meet open to Stingrays between 5-18 year of age (no 4 year olds)
  • Unique meet in that swimmers compete only against swimmers of their same age (so a 13 year old swimmer only swims against 13 year old swimmers, not 13 AND 14 year old swimmers)
  • You and your child pick which events your child swims
  • ALL families are required to fulfill a volunteer shift (including board members, core volunteers, and those who have bought out of their volunteer requirement).  This does NOT fulfill one of your 4 meet volunteer jobs for the season.  


  • Saturday, June 29th - Sunday, June 30th, 2024
  • Meet starts at 9:00 am both days and ends at approximately 4:00 pm
  • Warmups 7:45-8:45 AM both days, warm up lanes and times will be assigned



  • Pleasant Hill Education Center Pool (Pleasant Hill Middle School), 1 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill
  • We are back to the original location (NOT College Park High School, where it was last year)

Entry Fees

  • $35 per swimmer
  • This is a flat fee per swimmer and each swimmer may select a max of 4 events to participate in over the two days (note that this fee structure is different from last year)
  • PLUS $30 per adult volunteer in your family (more information below)



  • We will begin accepting registration forms on Tuesday, May 21st.  
  • Registration deadline:  Thursday, June 6th, 2024.  Late registrations cannot be accepted
  • Registration Forms can be printed and turned in at the pool.   If you do no thave access to a printer, a few printed hard copies will be available at the pool on the family folder cart. 
  • Fill out one registration form per family and turn it into the black mailbox attached to Family Folder Cart.  
  • Payment
    • Attach check made payable to Benicia Stingrays (note "Battle of the Ages" AND swimmer's first and last name in the check note), place in an envelope, and turn in with the registration form 
    • OR pay electronically via PayPay or Zelle 
      • Name =
      • ​Note in memo:  "Battle of the Ages" and "Swimmer's Name"
      • MUST select "Friends and Family" payment option if paying via PayPal


Volunteer Assignments

  • ALL families will be assigned a volunteer shift. The job assignment will be emailed to you closer to the event date.  You will either be assigned a Timer or a Stroke and Turn Job (only our trained judges will be assigned a stroke and turn job).  
  • EVERY adult who volunteers MUST pass a background check (you must repeat the background check this year, even if you were checked for last year's Battle or were recently checked through a different organization).  This is dictated by the insurance that Pleasant Hill requires for this meet; this is not because of a Stingray requirement or issue.  
  • If you register your swimmer to participate, it will cost you $30 for the background check.  Please include this $30 with your registration payment.  Results of your background check will be kept confidential.  If you plan to split your shift with another adult in the family, both adults will need to be background checked and it will cost $60 for both of you to get background checked.  
  • Details on the background check will be emailed to Battle Families after the registration deadline has passed.  It should be straight forward and does not require fingerprint scans, etc.  
  • If you elect to not participate in the background check so that you can not volunteer, fail the background check so that you can not volunteer, or no show on  your assigned volunteer shift, a $150 fee will be applied to your account and you must pay this fee before your swimmer can participate in future meets.  


Schedule of Events


  • 15-18:  50 free half distance, 100 breast, 100 fly
  • 9-14:  100 free double distance, 50 breast, 50 fly
  • 7-8:  50 free double distance, 25 breast, 25 fly
  • 5-6:  50 free double distance (6 year olds only), 25 breast, 25 fly


  • 15-18:  100IM, 100 Back, 100 Free
  • 9-14:  100IM, 50 back, 50 free
  • 7-8:  25 back and 25 free
  • 5-6:  25 back and 25 free

Note, if you sign your 6-14 year old up for freestyle on Saturday, it is double distance so they need to be prepared to swim twice as far as they normally do.  If your swimmer wants "normal" freestyle, this takes place on Sunday.