UPDATE Pinole Meet: 9/10 Girls Relay Update, Combined Events Summary

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team,


Combined Events

To save time, and hopefully allow us to complete the entire meet this morning, please note that MANY of the events are combined.  Here is a list of the combined events.  Do not allow your swimmer to miss their races (of particular note, the 13/14 and 15-18 relays are combined into one event, so that may confuse the 15-18 year-olds).  


9/10 Girls Relay Update

The roster for the girls' 9/10 B relay did not show up on the meet sheet for some reason.  They are in lane Event 7, lane 4 and the roster should be listed as:

  • Back:  Autumn Leist
  • Breast:  Maddie Matias
  • Fly:  Eva Thomsen
  • Free:  Collette Sayre