Awards Ceremony Updates

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team,


The season-ending Ice Cream Social and Awards Ceremony is quickly approaching.  Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 27th, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM at the Clocktower!  Every swimmer who has participated in at least one meet will get recognized with a plaque for their PR times. On top of that, there are plenty of age group awards (and it's not just the fast kids who get awards!)  AND, what is better than ice cream for lunch????


Ice Cream Details!!! 

  • Double Rainbow will graciously be helping us with the ice cream.  Make sure to frequent them when you get the hankering for an amazing ice cream sundae!  
  • We are asking parents to donate items to help with the sundae making.  Please visit our  Sign Up Genius to donate an item!  


Volunteers Needed!!

  • Come on y'all, don't leave Audrey stranded.  She has been planning all of our parties this year and the wife of one of our coaches deserves better than that!  We all know what The Clocktower looks like undecorated!  We need help to get The Clocktower into party shape, and we only have a couple of hours to do so.  
  • Afterwards, we need to return The Clocktower to its original. unfestive condition, and we need to do so quickly.  The more folks that help out, the faster it can get done.  
  • Visit the website to sign up for a job.  We will even make it easy for you and tell you to just click here for the direct link!  Once you are on this page, just click on "job signup" and pick a job!!!  


See you at the party!!!