Reminders and Updates

Benicia Stingrays

Great job on the first week of practice Stingrays!  It was awesome getting our swimmers back in the water again!  Here are some reminders to check off your list:

Team Suits

  • Remember to please order your team suit by Wednesday, April 6th.  There will be no late orders accepted and all orders are final.  If you missed team suit fittings, you can still try them on at the brick and mortar store at  Elsmore Swim Shop,   2054 Treat Blvd Suite D, Walnut Creek.  The suits will be shipped to the team prior to Time Trials and the suits will be distributed during practice.  An exact date will be emailed once available.    More information on team suits and the link to the ordering site are on our website.  

Teen Volunteer Job Substitutes

  • If you have a teenage family member who wants to make easy money during the summer, they can sign up to be a volunteer job sub for home and away meets (typically they would fill a timer position).  The going rate is $50 for home meets and $55 for away meets.  Families can hire them to work volunteer job shifts for them in order to fulfill their family volunteer requirement.  Please email our volunteer coordinator, Jessika Lee, at if you would like to add your teen to the job sub list with their name and phone number.  Their information will be posted on the website so families can contact them.  

Board Treasurer and Invitational Coordinator Needed!

  • Fulfill your volunteer duties without needing to volunteer at dual meets or social functions by signing up for one of these positions!  We really need to fill these positions as soon as possible!  
  • Treasurer is a board position so this enables you to have your voice heard and have a say in the Stingray organization.  Current treasurer, Victor Vitale, is ready and able to train the incoming treasurer.  
  • Refer to the  Core Volunteer List for a job description for Invitational Coordinator.  

Save the Date!

  • Our first team event of the season will be the Welcome Back Party at Southamptom Swim Club on Sunday, May 1st from 11:00am to 1pm.  More information will be sent out closer to the date, but please mark this date on your calendar for food, swimming, meeting the coaches, and fun!