Hercules Meet Information

Benicia Stingrays

Location:  James Lemos Pool, 181 East J Street, Benicia

Gates Open: 7:30 AM

All families (except Stingray Families directly involved with meet set up) must enter through the front lobby doors on East J Street to then enter the pool deck via the locker rooms.  Families not involved with meet set up are not to enter through the side gate.  

Warm Ups:  Stingrays 7:45-8:05 AM, Visiting Team 8:05-8:25 AM

Meet Time:  8:30AM - 12:30pm

Team Camps:  Stingrays set up on the long leg of the grass (north end); Visiting team sets up on the short leg of the grass (west end)

Volunteer Check In:  All Stingray Volunteers must check in with Volunteer Coordinators Wendy and Colin Buresh to get credit for hours served. Please check in by 8:00AM.  Failure to check in and complete your volunteer shift will result in $150 being charged to your credit card on file.  

Snack Bar and Food Truck:  Snack Bar will be open; Brunch Box Food Truck will be through the back corner gate (where the two legs of the grass intersect)

Raffle:  We will have a fun raffle!  If you purchase a ticket and do not win, the ticket will carry over to the final grand prize jackpot at our end of our season Awards Ceremony!  Tickets are $1 each!!!   Thank you Jeanne for coordinating all of this!!!

Here is the Meet Program and Athlete Entry List

Note that anything with a red box around it is a combined event with boys/girls swimming the same heats.