Spirit and Coaches' Appreciation Week!!!

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team,


This is a reminder that this is our last regular week of practice (so sad....how did the season and summer go by so quickly???!!!)  Practice will continue for another week for swimmers who are qualified to County Championships.  Also, be on the lookout for information regarding our Fall Swim Program soon.....we need to iron out the wrinkles and solidify a registration window first. 


Now the fun stuff!  This coming week is both Spirit Week and Coaches' Appreciation Week!


Spirit Week

Every day for Spirit Week has a theme.  We want our swimmers excited and pumped up for our League Championship Meet on Saturday.  Spirit Week also means "drag week".  Swimmers swim in baggy shorts and/or tshirts to weigh them down.  Come League Meet, they will feel so light and fast competing in "just" their regular suits!  To make drag week more fun, there are fun themes everyday.

Here are our themes for each day:

  • Monday, July 22
    • 'Merica Monday--Wear your Red, White and Blue
  • Tuesday, July 23
    • Tank Top Tuesday 
  • Wednesday, July 24
    • Wacky Wednesday--Anything crazy! 
  • Thursday, July 25th
    • Tie Dye Thursday--Wear anything tie dye AND bring a white t-shirt for your child to dye before or after their practice (please note they can't miss practice to participate in tie-dying so plan accordingly timewise). We will have some extra white tees (not a ton).  In case someone forgets their shirt, they can purchase one but we can't guarantee we will have one in their size so try to bring your own. 
  • Friday July 26th
    • Floral Friday--let's get tropical with those floral Hawaiian shirts! 

Please sign up for a volunteer shift during Spirit Week.  We have very few parents (and no one for the 6/unders) signed up to help with tie-dye. This is a messy project....if we do not get 6/under parent help, we may have to cancel this event for our littlest Stingrays.  


Coaches' Appreciation Week

Let's show our coaches some love!  They are on the pool deck all day in the hot sun and give up their weekends to spend with our kids at swim meets.  Swim team can't happen without a great adult and junior coach staff!  

Tuesday through Thursday, tables with labeled bins will be on the pool deck to collect small tokens of appreciation for the coaches. Have your swimmer write them a thank you note, draw them a cute picture, give them a small gift card, etc. There will be thank you notes available on the pool deck for your swimmers to fill out before or after practice. 

  • Adult Coaches:  Coach Mariska, Coach Miguel, Coach Steve, Coach Karissa, Coach Elias, Coach Inessa, Coach Elian, and Coach Aden
  • Junior Coaches:  Janessa, Claire, Evan, Ava, Jeffrey, Conor, Maya, Amelee, Peyton, and Caden.