6/Under Signups for Summer Practice Times
Hi 6/Under Families,
Here is the link to signup for the 6/under practice times for summer. Signups are first come first serve and once a group is full, it is full, no exceptions. If your swimmer is a member of the Skates group, do not sign them up on the signup genius. Their practice is automatically set for 11:00am.
As an additional plea, we REALLY need 6/under parents to sign up to serve as shepherds for swim meets. As stated in the previous NewsSplash, the shepherds are critical to help round up the 6/under swimmers before their events, to keep them calm and orderly, and to deliver them to the junior coaches in a timely manner for their swims. If we do not have shepherds, it may limit how many 6/unders we can have participate in meets.
Reply to this email with any questions!