Otters 2023 Final Volunteer List and Meet Entries
Hi 8 and Unders!,
Otters 8 and Under invitational is this Sunday, June 4th.
Here is the final volunteer list and here are the meet entries.
Here is the link to all of the Meet Info.
Please review both lists to make sure you are aware of your volunteer shift and that your swimmer is correctly entered in the races of your choice. If your swimmer is registered but will not be able to attend, please let us know.
If you have questions regarding your volunteer shift, please email Jeanne Woodford at
You can also call/text Jeanne at 707-853-0928. Do not no show for your volunteer shift or you will have your $100 volunteer deposit removed from your account and you will have to re-pay this before your swimmer can participate in future meets.
Good luck and Go Little Stingrays!!!