ECI Stroke and Turn Assignments
Hi Stroke and Turn Judges,
Thank you all for stepping up and volunteering as a judge!
The ECI stroke and turn schedule was just released. At first, the schedule looks confusing and overwhelming. But, each block is only a 30-minute segment. I tried to simplify it by highlighting in blue the Stingray shifts. Then I divided up the shifts among our judges. Once I did that, it is really not bad--two hours total for one judge and 90 minutes total for the other 2 judges on either Saturday OR Sunday.
Here is the Saturday S&T Schedule and here is the Sunday S&T Schedule. (Sorry for the weird formatting--it got sent over as an Excel file and it got messed up converting to a PDF and I don't have the will to fix it)
The map at the bottom tells you where each 30-minute segment will occur. S3 and S6 (highlighted yellow) are scheduled breaks so no one is assigned to these blocks.