Pleasant Hill Meet Athletes Entered List
Hi Team,
Thanks for coming out for a super fun Family Fun Night. I think Peter Tacdol won the night by winning the Belly Flop Contest and cleaning up in the raffle!!!! It was great to have so many enthusiastic parents participate in the relays and belly flop contest!!!
Pleasant Hill Meet
Please review the Athletes Entered List for the Pleasant Hill Meet next Wednesday.
- If you have correctly committed your swimmer and they are not on this list, please let us know
- If your swimmer is on this list and they will not be in attendance, please let us know (this is particularly critical for relays....if your swimmer no shows, it affects all swimmers assigned to relays).
Here are the Individual Meet Entries for each swimmer. So that the meet can finish in time, swimmers are limited to two events. IF your swimmer is close to a County Qualifying time, and they were not put into that event, please reply to this email and we can switch their event. If your swimmer has not had the chance to swim an event yet, and they really want to, please reply to this email and we can switch their event. Please reply ASAP if you have requests to be made.
Please note that the Pleasant Hill Meet is, for this year only, at College Park High School (not Pleasant Hill Middle School). It is not at the same pool that we have swum in years past.