Registration, Junior/Assitant Coach Applications
Hi Stingrays,
We are soon entering our second week of registration. Please make sure to register your swimmer as soon as possible to reserve their spot on the team. Currently, the 6&Under Team is almost full. If you try to register and it is full, please email our Membership Director, Melissa Vogel, at and she can add your swimmer to the waiting list. We will add directly from the waiting list when/if more 6&under spots open up. The 6&under cap is based on the estimated number of junior coaches we will have available. Safety has to be our number one priority so we have to keep the ratio of 6&under swimmers to our junior coaches at a reasonable number.
Junior Coach Applications
If your 13 and older swimmer is interested in serving as a junior coach, please have them fill out this Google Form Junior Coach Application by February 24th. Once all applications have been reviewed, there will be short interviews scheduled with a few board members and coaches in late February/early March. Junior Coach Applicants need to be active members of the Stingray Team (participate in practices, meets, and social events). Even if your swimmer will not be available for coaching until the summer, please have them fill out the application by the deadline so that we can plan our season accordingly.
Assistant Coach Applications
We are in the process of finalizing applications for an additional assistant coach to help out Coach Mariska and Coach Miguel. If you know of any potential applicants with a strong swim background, please refer them our way. Here is the link to the Google Form Assistant Coach Application .