Lapapalooza Updates

Benicia Stingrays

Lapapalooza is quickly approaching this Friday, June 28th.  



Remember there is no regular practice on this day.  If your swimmer plans to swim on Friday, they must register on the website to participate.  You commit to Lapapalooza participation just as you would for a regular meet.  



If your swimmer plans to participate Pledges can be made here or by texting BSRSWIM to 833-755-6550.


Collect Prizes

Swimmers can select fun rewards from this prize sheet depending on how much money they bring in.  



  • 9:00-10:00  13 and ups
  • 10:00-11:00  9-12's
  • 11:00-12:00   8 and unders



  • We still need a few parent volunteers to help out!  Please visit the website and commit to a volunteer shift (fulfills one of your two required social volunteer shifts). 
  • Sign up just as you would sign up for a volunteer job at a meet.  

