Battle of the Ages Meet Entries

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Battle Families,


In case you forgot what you signed your swimmer up for, here are the Battle Meet Entries.

The program will be available for purchase tomorrow and the meet will also be on Meet Mobile. 


As a reminder, warm-up times are as follows

11/12's can warm up at 7:30 or 7:55

  • 7:30-7:55 am:  11-18's
  • 7:55-8:20:  9-12's
  • 8:20-8:45:  8 and Under's (note on Sunday, 8/unders will not swim until 12:30pm and warm ups are optional)

Lanes 1 and 5 are for starts and sprints, only one direction.  

During competition, lane 10 is for warmups and cool downs for only 13-18 year old swimmers.  


