NewsSplash 3/18/2023: New coaches, Job subs, New swimmer clinic, Social Media

Benicia Stingrays

Hello Stingrays!


We have almost survived the worst part of the year (non-swim season) and have made it to the best time of the year (swim-season)!!!  Please read through these updates so we can get the season started smoothly.  


New Coaches

  • We are so excited to announce that we have new assistant coaches to add to our coaching staff!!!  As our team is reaching record numbers, Coach Brian and Coach Elias will be joining us to assist Coach Mariska and Coach Miguel this season.  Both new coaches have a strong swim history and Coach Elias actually holds some high school records back in his hometown!   As Coach Mariska is still coaching the Benicia High School Swim Team through April, we are super grateful to have the help of Coach Brian and Coach Elias during this very busy time of year!  
  • Additionally, graduating Stingray swimmers Carmela Vitale and Inessa Tsai are staying on to help as Age Group Coaches.  Coach Carmela and Coach Inessa will be a huge asset to us as they will be able to give our younger swimmers closer one-on-one attention.  Our regular coaches will still be involved with all aspects of coaching these age younger groups, but Coaches Carmela and Inessa will focus their attention solely on these younger groups.  This will allow them to get to know our younger Stingrays really well and they can serve as a direct point of contact for our parents during the day-to-day practices.  
  • Bios and pictures of most of our coaches are available on the website.  


New Stingray Clinic

  • Don't forget that the New Stingray Clinic starts on Monday, March 20th (Monday - Thursday from 5:30-6:15 for all new Stingrays).  Please note that this is ONLY for new Stingray swimmers.  We know you all have swimmers eager to get into the water.  Out of respect to our new swim team members, we will be enforcing that only NEW Stingray swimmers may get in the water to participate.  If you bring siblings or friends to this clinic who are previous members of the team, we will ask them to stay on deck and out of the way of the coaches and swimmers. 
  • There will be a high school swim meet at the pool on Wednesday, March 22nd.  The meet will likely not be over by 5:30 when the clinic begins. We will use this turnover time to allow parents to meet with board members at the picnic tables (by the diving pool) to get any questions answered.  Once the high schoolers are out of the water, we will get our new Stingrays into the water.  


Social Media

  • For all of you new (and returning) families, check out this youtube video that Coach Miguel and Social Director Audrey made for you all!  It is a dry run-through on what to expect for your first practice!  
  • Make sure to follow us on Instagram at benicia_stingrays and Facebook at Benicia Stingrays Swim Team for team updates and pictures of your kids working hard!


Teen Job Substitutes Needed!!!

  • One option families have to complete a volunteer work assignment (one of their required four meet jobs) is to hire a teen job sub to work their shift for them.  This is an agreement between the family and the teen hire--the board does not get involved in this relationship.  Families pay the teen sub directly.
  • If you have a teen child or friend who would like to work as a job sub at meets, they can earn an easy $50 for home meets or $55 for away meets!  Usually, this means that they would serve as lane timers for the duration of a meet.  
  • Under the "volunteer" tab on the website is a menu item for "job substitutes".  This item is only visible to logged-in Stingray families (it is not visible to the general public).  Your teen's name and number can be listed here so that families can call/text them to hire them to fulfill their volunteer shifts  
  • If your teen would like to be added to the list, please reply to this email with their name and number and they will be added immediately.
  • Families interested in hiring these teen subs for meets, please contact the teen directly.  
  • It is the hiring family's responsibility to make sure their teen job sub shows up for the shift.   A missed shift results in a $100 fee as the volunteer coordinators must then scramble to find a last-minute replacement.  
  • If you hire a teen job sub to fulfill your shift, please note this in the comments section when you sign up for a volunteer job.  

See you on deck on Monday (practices occur rain or shine unless there is a lightning threat or a power outage)!!!  If practice is ever canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will send a NewsSplash as soon as possible.