Welcome Party Information!!!
It's time for our first social event of the season!
Come join us (for free!!!) for a couple of hours of free swimming, mingling, and getting to know each other!!! Bring your own beach chairs, blankets, and towels so you can picnic on the grass. We will provide snacks and drinks but feel free to bring a picnic lunch if you would to eat like something more substantial.
Who: All Stingray swimmers and their families
What: A party to mingle with your Stingray family and coaches
Where: Southampton Swim Club
When: Sunday, April 30th, 2023 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Why: Get your questions answered! Talk with the board members and coaches! Eat some snacks! Make new friends! Have fun!
RSVP: If you and your family plan to attend, please click here to RSVP with the number of guests we can expect from your family.
Raffle: We will complete our first fundraiser of the season by raffling off two prizes to complete your day at the beach or a swim meet! Here is the info on the raffle! Tickets are $6 each or 10 for $50.
Volunteer Signups: All families (except board members/core volunteers, buyouts, and families with ONLY 15/up swimmers) are required to fulfill 2 social job positions over the season. This is your first chance to fulfill one of these jobs. To sign up for a meet or social volunteer job, first make sure to log in to the website. Click on the "Events and Meets" tab on the front page. The events and meets will then be listed. Find the event you want to volunteer at and click on the "Job Signup" button to select your shift. Make sure to save your selectoin at the bottom of the page. Make sure to check in with Wendy Buresh or Bekki Callaway at the event to get credit for fulfilling your volunteer shift.
Donation Signups: If you are able to donate a case of water, case of drinks, ice chest, or bag of ice, please go to the donation sign up genius to bring an item. Thank you!!!!
Sunblock Sales: We will also have sunblock for sale. This sunblock is environmentally friendly and safer for the skin! A portion of all sales will go back to the team.