NewsSplash 4/13/2023: IMPORTANT--Summer Practice Update, New Family Zoom Meeting, Opening Party Reminder

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Stingrays!


Summer Practice Schedule Changes

Now that we are settled into Spring practice, Summer is quickly approaching!  With our large number of younger swimmers, we need to make practice time adjustments for the Summer to more evently distribute the swimmers.  Here is what we are currently planning:

  • Summer practice will run Monday through Friday
  • 13-18:  8:00-9:30
  • 11/12:  9:00-10:00
  • 9/10:  10:00-11:00
  • 7/8: 11:00-11:45
  • 6/Unders: 11:00-11:30 and 11:30-12:00 (which group your child will attend has not yet been solidified)
  • Tuesday, July 4th:  No practice


New Famly Zoom Meeting:   Tuesday, May 2 at 7:30 pm

  • The Stingray Board and Coaches would like to host a New Family Zoom Meeting on Tuesday, May 2 at 7:30 pm.  The link will be sent out closer to the actual meeting. The point of this Zoom will be to go over common points of confusion and answer any questions you may have.  
  • This Zoom meeting is for parents to attend (your swimmer can attend with you, but really this information is geared towards you the parent).
  • Things to cover can include how to register for meets, how to sign up for a volunteer job, how do meets work, how to read a meet sheet, etc.  The first few swim meets you attend may seem chaotic and overwhelming, so we want to make this process less scary for you and your child. 


Welcome Party Reminder


Job Substitutes--Easy Money for Teenagers!

  • If your teenager would like to get paid to work as a job sub at swim meets, please have them reply to this email with their name and phone number.  Their information will be added to the Job Sub List posted under the "Volunteer" tab (visible only to logged-in swim team families) so that families can contact them to pay them to work their volunteer shifts.  The going rate is $50 for home meets and $55 for away meets.