NewsSplash: Core Volunteers Needed, Spirit Wear Store Back Open, More Free Suits, Time Trials Reminder
Benicia Stingrays
Hello Stingrays,
We have entered May, which means meets are starting soon!!! Because meets are starting, it is time to address some unfilled Core Volunteer Positions. Remember.....if you serve as a Core Volunteer, this fulfills BOTH your meet AND social volunteer requirements! Please reply to this email if you would like to take on a Core Position or have questions.
- 6/Under and 7/8 Shepherds: We need four 6/under and four 7/8 Shephards. The shepherds are parent volunteers who help organize/collect all of the littles before their events at meets. The shepherds work closely with the junior coaches, who help organize the little swimmers into their lanes and help them with their starts. Typically one parent is in charge of 6/under girls, one parent is in charge of 6/under boys, one parent is in charge of 7/8 girls, and one parent is in charge of 7/8 boys. If we get 4 shepherds for each age group, then this means each shepherd would be responsible for working approximately 4 meets. Once you are signed up as a shepherd with Leslie (meet coordinator) and Bekki/Wendy (volunteer coordinators), we will ask you to go to the website to sign up for the 4 meets you would like to work.
- Invitational Coordinator: If you have previously attended Otters, Battle of the Ages, ECI, League Meet (League is not really an invitational, but it is lumped under the Invitational Coordinator umbrella) etc, then you know that invitationals are big meets. We need a volunteer or two to help us (the Board) organize these meets. We will help train you, but it is helpful if you have attended one of these invitationals before. There are deadlines that must be met with regard to registration, meet entries, volunteer schedules, etc. The invitational coordinator needs to be present at these meets to serve as the volunteer check-in person and to serve as a contact person at the meet. You will work closely with Coach Mariska to get this job done. We are particularly interested in getting help with Battle and ECI.
- Head Set up and Take Down: This is the best Core Job there is! This job is ONLY for home meets. You should plan on attending all home meets this season. This job has you overseeing the setup and take down crew. You will get early entry into the pool so you get a prime location to set up your own personal camp, then you get to work. You will help set up the chairs and pop-up tents for the timers, set up the start side of the pool for the littles, set up the computer tables, help with setup of the plunger timers, etc. You work before and after the meet, and are completely free during the meet to relax and watch your swimmer. Leslie Clements (meet director) will train you with your job tasks and will be there early before meets to help you out.
- Team Photographer: This would be great for an amateur photographer. Ideally, have a nice sports camera to take action shots at meets, attend social events to take fun team photos, etc. To take on this role, you should be planning on attending the majority of social events and a good number of meets. At the end of the season, put together your best photos into a slideshow for the team.
Spirit Store
- The Spirit Store is set for its second round of orders! Get your orders placed ASAP so that you have your gear before real meets start in June! You may have seen the snazzy new gear floating around the pool deck this week and everything turned out great! Also check out the new beanies and hats we have!!!
Time Trials
- Time Trials is about 2 weeks away. If your swimmer plans to attend, the deadline to register is Saturday, May 13th! Register now!!!
- If your little swimmer is not yet ready for meets, you are still encouraged to attend the team photo (which will take place very shortly after 7:30AM) and then individual photos immediately after the team photo. If your swimmer falls into this category, do NOT commit your swimmer to participate in the meet, just show up for the photos.
- If you do not know how to register for meets, please watch the New Parent Zoom from Tuesday:
6 and Under Practice Groups for Summer
- This weekend, a signup genius will be sent out for 6/under families to sign up for one of two practice groups. They will be from 11:00-11:30 and 11:30-12:00. If your swimmer is part of the Skates group, they will all be grouped together at 11:00.
- The signup genius will be first come, first serve, with no exceptions. We understand that if you have multiple swimmers, it is more convenient to have them practice close together in time. This is not unique to any family on the team as the majority of families have multiple kids practicing at different times.
- Please be on the lookout for this email if you have a 6/under. I do not know exactly when it will be sent out as details are still being finalized.
One More Lap Has Free Team Suits (most brand new)!!!
- Justin Magno has suits added to his One More Lap SignUp Genius. It is first come first serve ON THE SIGNUP GENIUS, not who replies to this email the fastest--this is not Justin's email account.
- If you have team suits, fins, or parkas to donate to him, please email him at and he will pick them up from you.