
Wednesday, June 20th from 5 -7:30pm Lap-apalooza is next week! Remember, this is our ONLY fundraiser and a successful event will ensure we don't have to raise registration fees next year. Please gather your pledges this week. The highest fundraisers have had success walking door-to-door in their neighborhoods. Both the flyer and the Pledge Form are available on the FORMS tab of the website. A hard copy will also be placed in each family folder tomorrow (June 12). There are many great prizes for all levels of fundraising, including: 50%...

If you plan on swimming against the Aquaknights on Saturday, June 23rd , you must sign up for that meet by this coming Saturday, June 16th

Here are the results from the meet. Good job everyone.

Here is the program for the meet tomorrow vs American Canyon. Remember each swimmer needs to initial by their name on the check in sheet by 8am. The following events will be combined, 1,2&3; 6&7; 8&9; 10&11; 13&14; 16,17&18; 19&20; 29&30; 31&32; 41&42; 51&52; 53&54; 63,64&65; 66&67; 68&69; 70&71 Warm up times are the following, 7-8's 7:40 9-10's 7:50 11-12's 7:40 13 and ups 7:45 Swim fast and see you at the pool.

Coach Kevin has put together a schedule of FREE afternoon stroke & turn clinics for the next two weeks. These clinics are available to all Swim Team members. Below is a link to a Google document which lists the days/time slots. Open the document, find an appropriate slot for your child’s age group/ability and fill in your child’s name. There are four swimmers per time slot. Each swimmer may sign up for ONE time slot between June 4 and June 14. Be sure to sign up soon! Clinics start this...

Do you want to see how long a record has been standing? Check out our records page under the swimmers tab.

Kids all did Awsome. Big props to Andrew Maichel for breaking the 9-10 boys freestyle record that has stood since 2001. Want to see how you kid did? Click here. See you Monday.

Families, Here is the program for Time Trials. You can view it here. Some events might be combined so please read the program carefully. IM will be swum at the end of Time Trials. Also check out how to read a meet sheet if you have any questions. See you at the pool.

All families entering the James Lemos Pool for meets must enter through the front doors. The doors will open at 7:30am. The only exception is for those families on the set up crew. Please adhere to the James Lemos Pool management rules.

Coaches are asking both parents and swimmers not to engage coaches in chit chat during practice time. Although it's fun to hang out with the coaches, it also distracts them from focusing on the other swimmers in the pool.