
Hey we swam well, lets keep working hard so we can get them at the League meet in August. Remember ECI sign ups are due Thursday!!!! It is a fun meet and great experience for ALL swimmers. Here are the results.

The link for the meet program is below with some other info........ Warm up times 7-8 8am 9-10 8:10am 11-12 8am 13 and up 8:05am Remember to check in before you swim. Coach Kristi will have the check in sheet by the pool. Also ECI entries are due by Thursday. Work assignement priority is given based on order the ECI forms are turned in so sign up now. It will be a great time. All are welcome. Here is the program. Swim Fast!!!!!!!!!!! Coach Kevin

As our next few meets are Away meets, the meet sheet may not be available until after 8pm on Fridays as the teams hosting away meets have a deadline of 6pm to get their meet sheet to Coach Kevin.

Rewards form and Lap results can be found on the Forms Page under TEAM INFO. Final pledges and order forms are due in the Cotsifas family folder no later then June 27th. Rewards will be distributed at a later date to be announced.

Check out the Stingray Fun Day flyer and mark your calendar. More details of specific events coming your way soon.

ALL INFORMATION IS ON THE ECI & LEAGUE page under the EVENTS tab. Forms and payment (checks made out to Benicia Stingrays) must be in the Norman folder by Thursday June 28th? Also, please remember to include the splash fee. Once all forms are turned in a volunteer schedule will be posted to the website the following week. We do need volunteers for stroke and turn, if qualified please let me know. Beside stroke and turn we are responsible for timers but do not have the number of lanes until...

To place an ad for your swimmer in the ECI program, please contact Debbie Norman at by Monday, June 25th Ad prices are as follows: 1/4 page ad $20 1/2 page ad $30 Full page ad $50

Here are the results. Another win for The Stingrays!!!!!! Lots of lolipops will be given out Monday!!!!

Here is the program. Remember circle your name on the check in sheet by 8am. Swim fast!!!!

ECI information is now on the ECI & LEAGUE PAGE under the CALENDAR tab. Entry forms will be available on the site ASAP