
Benicia Stingrays

Hey all, Here is a link to the New Family Zoom Meeting from last night. All of the information in this Zoom meeting can be found on the website, but a consistent thing we hear is that the website has so much information that it can be overwhelming for a new family to navigate. This Zoom teaches you how to navigate the website, register for meets and volunteer jobs, read a meet sheet to know what and where your child is swimming in a meet, etc. Passcode:0?9q0T1K Also, the...

Benicia Stingrays

New Families, Please Join us at the New Family Zoom Meeting on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:30pm for an introduction to swim meets--how to sign up, how to read a meet sheet, etc. We previously had said this meeting would be at 7:00pm, but having it at 7:30 will give Coach Mariska time to finish up practice at the pool before heading home for the zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 3115 7262 Passcode: 330584

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Stingrays, It is hard to believe, but it is time to start registering for our first invitational meet of the year! Otters' 8 and Unders is quickly approaching so let's get registering! What is it? This is an invitational meet for the 6/unders and 7/8's only. It is a fun and fast-paced meet and it is a great opportunity for the younger swimmers to get more meet experience before the bulk of the season gets underway. This is the perfect time for your little one to get meet experience...

Benicia Stingrays

Welcome Back Pool Party This is the last reminder for our pool party on Sunday, April 30th from 11am to 1pm. If you have not yet RSVP'd and plan to attend the party, please RSVP here on our sign up genius. Here is the sign up genius to donate drinks/supplies/etc as well. Any extras will just be carried over to our next social event. Raffle: Don't forget we will be drawing two winners for our Pool Day Raffle Prizes. Cash is easiest, but we also accept Pay Pal and Zelle...

Benicia Stingrays

Hi 6 & Under Families, You may have noticed that your swimmer is swimming with a different group of kids and/or junior coach this week. The 6 & Under swimmers have been assessed over the past couple of weeks and they have been regrouped based on the swimming skills that they have demonstrated in practice. We are trying to keep kids of similar ability together so that lessons can be more streamlined. We also are trying to have consistency and have your child swim with the same coaches every week....

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team! This is a quick reminder to RSVP for our Welcome Back Party on Sunday, April 30th. Here are the party details. If you can donate drinks, please visit our sign up genius. Don't forget to bring money to enter the raffle! Be the envy of the entire team as you arrive in style to swim meets with your prizes! Finally, if you have outgrown fins, parkas, or team suits, Justin Magno will be collecting donations to redistribute for free back to the team through his One More Lap...

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team, For the last 3 years, Justin Magno, 16 year old Stingray Swimmer, has collected donated used swim gear to redistribute back to the team through his One More Lap Program. He currently has a brand new, girl's, Arena style, size 32, Stingray Team Suit (thank you to the family who donated this suit that did not fit their daughter!) First to sign up gets it! See below for image of the suit and size chart. Here is the link to the One More Lap sign up genius to...

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Team, Personalized Team Caps We have had personalized team caps at practice this week for swimmers to pick up. We still have a handful left. If your swimmer has not picked up their cap yet, please pick it up on Thursday anytime during regular practice hours. Team Towel Order Link If your swimmer would like to order a Benicia Stingray Towel, here is the order link: The towel image will look as shown (but this is a screenshot blown up of an image so the color and image...

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Stingrays, We are very sorry, but pratice for Wednesday, April 19th is cancelled. The high school originally had a swim meet scheduled for the following Friday, but the opposing team needed to change the date to Wednesday. On the bright side, this is the high school's last home meet for the season, and their season is over at the end of April. This means that after the next 2 weeks, the Stingrays will have all of the practice lanes to themselves. Thank you for your understanding!

Benicia Stingrays

Hi Stingrays! Summer Practice Schedule Changes Now that we are settled into Spring practice, Summer is quickly approaching! With our large number of younger swimmers, we need to make practice time adjustments for the Summer to more evently distribute the swimmers. Here is what we are currently planning: Summer practice will run Monday through Friday 13-18: 8:00-9:30 11/12: 9:00-10:00 9/10: 10:00-11:00 7/8: 11:00-11:45 6/Unders: 11:00-11:30 and 11:30-12:00 (which group your child will attend has not yet been solidified) Tuesday, July 4th: No practice New Famly Zoom Meeting: Tuesday, May 2...